National Distance Learning Week lineup


Discover The Latest Mobile Learning & Collaboration Technology (USDLA)
Monday, November 9 from 12-1pm in the Dupré Library Bib Lab (1st Floor)
Corporate Learning is being impacted with complex initiatives and higher expectations to grow results. By implementing the latest mobile technology, this Webinar explores how to take your learning initiatives to the next level. New learning paradigms, along with the latest mobile training innovations will be showcased, including social collaboration tools, interactive gamification ÃÞ»¨ÌÇÖ±²¥s and pro-active coaching methods that can be accessed on any device anywhere, anytime. Our goal is to increase learner engagement & knowledge retention, as well as improve how employees collaborate, compete and, in turn, obtain new levels of performance. Join us for an inspired, informative and fun program.

Beyond Standard 8: Universal Design and QM (QM)
Monday, November 9 from 1-2pm in the Dupré Library Bib Lab (1st Floor)
While QM Standard 8 addresses accessibility for vision and hearing differences, other QM Standards address a wider range of diverse learning and instructional accessibility needs. This session will help faculty understand how different QM Standards support diverse students and show how QM helps to achieve good universal design. While the session will present information on QM and universal design for all students, the session will focus in particular on the needs of students with Autism Spectrum disorder and on how QM, effectively applied, helps meet their needs.

Moodle Mashup
Tuesday, November 10 from 2-3pm in the Dupré Library Employee Lounge (2nd Floor)
Do you want to learn more about using Moodle? Faculty will share their experiences with using selected Moodle ÃÞ»¨ÌÇÖ±²¥s. All Moodle users are welcome!

Moodle Topics to be showcased include:

  • Communicating with students
  • Sharing assignment feedback with students
  • Tracking student progress
  • Student overrides
  • Creating peer review activities

Virtual Presence: Inspire and Engage in the Virtual Classroom and Beyond (USDLA)
Wednesday, November 11 from 12-1pm in the Dupré Library Bib Lab (1st Floor)
In the virtual medium, great content can easily be sabotaged by a presenter’s low energy, irritating vocal qualities or general inability to engage and excite their audience. Whether presenting online to hundreds via webinar, facilitating a small virtual classroom workshop, or phone conferencing with team members and direct reports, the most effective training leaders and facilitators harness their virtual presence to authentically connect with the hearts and minds of others for maximum impact.

Incorporating Accessibility Standards in Course Design and Materials (QM)
Thursday, November 12 from 1-2pm in the Dupré Library Bib Lab (1st Floor)
Do you need to update your video and multimedia course presentations to meet accessibility standards? In this session you will see an actual course with examples of alternative formats to meet diverse learners and discover tools you may use to help meet the accessibility standard.